
joshua davis

article from this month's Wired Mag about artist/coder/designer Joshua Davis. (denver native, what)

"Of course, Davis isn't the first artist to stand out for rogue techniques. He's routinely compared to Pollock, who lived at the other end of Long Island and came up with a whole new ­approach to painting. It's tough not to compare the two - ­unhealthy attachment to mind-altering substances, bristling persona, studio barns, unorthodox technique. Davis isn't a fan of Pollock's work, but he admits that he's an artistic descendant."

cutting edge architecture

It looks like Dubai is a leader in innovative architecture - take a look at these new buildings. Looks like I need to take a trip to the UAE to play some golf and do a little sightseeing.

What about the wacky designs of these strange buildings?

If you are into architecture, check out BLDGBLOG. They always have breathtaking imagery and a lot of content.

Over at Inhabitat they detail everything from prefabs to treehouses, an emphasis on modern designs that are both eco-friendly and beautiful.

A student from USC completed her thesis on Sustainable Car Parks - basically transforming urban parking lots that sit empty much of the time into multi-use, functional, aesthetically pleasing spaces that would both improve the urban heat sink problem and increase the beauty of the concrete jungle.


viva freedom

what are your weekend plans?

Check out Art-o-Mart Emerging Artists market on Friday.

good hiphop i like = Little Brother. good, new, and conscious. and in Boulder Saturday night. I'll be at the Gothic to see the Greyboy Allstars, check out either show and you won't regret it.

Sunday I like to relax, review, and recharge. I usually spend a few hours catching up on my reading or projects or just chill. I'm a coffee addict, so I can't do without a good cup of joe. This blog has all the good coffee spots in Denver reviewed and listed for your java pleasure.

from my wounded ego tonight -I have a new job this week, and a new perspective as of about thirty minutes ago. Tonight I meditated on possibilities, and they are truly endless. Sometimes pain is good. It can help you evolve and move in a different direction.


this guy is just frontin

this cat has real style

this guy has vision

not much time tonight. on a personal note: wish I had more time. as soon as my schedule permits I will go polyphasic and never look back.


Mobile Art

I came across Start Mobile recently, which charges $1.99 to download images to your cell phone. The art on the site is great, from "from premier underground and emerging artists". Guess what? You don't have to pay. Simply find the pictures you want, save them and email them to your cell phone. For Verizon, open up a vzwpix account and send to (yourphone#@vzwpix.com). Not sure for you other services, but can't be too hard. I snagged several of the images and they are rotating through the background of my crappy Motorola V710. Don't pay for an 80x80 pixel drawing - save your money and buy one of their pieces or t-shirts or something.

A bonus is that as you find the art you like, they provide a link to the artist's site. Truly some incredible images and impressive work.


Olympics, ToDo Lists

The Olympics are finally over. Maybe now I can get some new episodes of Law and Order? I miss Stabler's fury and Olivia's caring but tough attitude. The only exciting thing to watch was the halfpipe snowboarding competition, and that was over on the fourth day or something. My boy Shaun represented, of course. Figure skating drama? Spare me, please. Just let me return to my regularly scheduled programming.

In addition to my myriad of small business ventures, I recently got a "real job" where I go to an office and drone mindlessly through the day. Now that more of my time is occupied I'm trying to adjust to a busier schedule, while still completing all of the personal development and business goals I have set for myself. I have always used a lot of lists and planners, and a nice tool I found recently is called voo2do. Voo2do is a web-based project tracker and priority to-do list system. It uses a "fancy-schmancy Ajax interface" and it has worked out great for me. I'm always trying out new sites and new productivity tools, but I think I will use this for a while. I'm learning Ajax so it's nice to see such clean design, it's very inspiring.


A Beautiful Day

Colorado is a terrible place to live. Please, do not move here. The traffic in Denver is out of control, we get 100 feet of snow every winter, and the sun never shines. Thank you, that is all.

No matter where I go, I always end up coming home to these beautiful mountains. Today I had a great day up at Copper Mountain snowboarding with my father. Pops is a skier, but I pretended he was cool anyways and we had an awesome time. Busy weekend ski tip - stay away from the Center Village and waiting in 30 minute lift lines. We stayed under the Super Bee lift, rocked the groomers all day, and never waited more than 10 minutes in line.

I miss living in Summit County. I would love to buy some property and build a little house up there. In fact, I think I will do just that. I really need to make that first ten million...