
Mobile Art

I came across Start Mobile recently, which charges $1.99 to download images to your cell phone. The art on the site is great, from "from premier underground and emerging artists". Guess what? You don't have to pay. Simply find the pictures you want, save them and email them to your cell phone. For Verizon, open up a vzwpix account and send to (yourphone#@vzwpix.com). Not sure for you other services, but can't be too hard. I snagged several of the images and they are rotating through the background of my crappy Motorola V710. Don't pay for an 80x80 pixel drawing - save your money and buy one of their pieces or t-shirts or something.

A bonus is that as you find the art you like, they provide a link to the artist's site. Truly some incredible images and impressive work.


At 3/07/2006 8:15 PM, Blogger c_peligroso said...

That's pretty funny, Bill. Seriously, I'm going to pay $2 for a background picture on my cell phone? All this site does is take work they have available on the artist's websites and charge you for it. I support artists by buying PAINTINGS, t-shirts, etc. Yeah, I'm such an asshole Bill.


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