
Busy Busy

I don't know people can write like 5 entries a day, work full-time, and have any semblance of a social life or any hobbies. I'm too busy right now with March Madness/work to post much. Did anyone see that
George Mason game?! Wowza.

After the game I watched the 60 minutes special on
Tiger Woods. Man, that is one good motherf#ckin golfer. He has made $80 million just from winning golf tournaments? He makes an additional $80 million every year from endorsements? He is on track to be the first Billion dollar golf star. He was already in the ranks of Palmer and Nicklaus after his first couple of years on the Tour, and he still practices 14 hours some days. That is the kind of dedication I truly admire. Working a full-time gig has been a change for me, and I'm definitely feeling the Monday blues. How do people work jobs they hate 40 hours a week for their entire lives? This is just a transition period for me, but it's difficult to stay motivated at times. Mainly I try to just look for something positive every day, or try and apply some concept from work that I can benefit from in the future.

a few random monday links
BuddhaNet Audio Dharma - Listen, and be a better person, no matter what your religious beliefs.

Drink Water to Lose Weight

Great blog of a NYC Waiter

Go work on the Moon. Get out of here!


Staying In Is The New Going Out

Staying in your pajamas for 54 hours straight is a damn good feeling. I hardly even left the house all weekend, and I didn't miss a thing! The weather was crappy, the fridge was stocked, and I had some great company...

Look what happened to this 15 year old that left his house. Remember, guns don't kill people. Idiots with guns kill people.

Sure, I like to go out and hang out with my friends occasionally. Going out to the bar can be fun, but it is always expensive and usually you have to deal with a minimum of five morons. Per bar. Even though there are cool people out there I don't know, the signal to noise ratio of hip cats to utter fools is ridiculous at any bar or club. 90% of the crowd is there to get laid, maybe 10% is couples just wondering why they went out in the first place. Why not stay in? I'm more of a homebody anyways - I would much rather kick it, watch a movie and play Scrabble than "get wasted" at the bar.

Good rainy/snowy day time killers -

browse Everyday

read PostSecret

read a BOOK - they're those things with a cover and a bunch of words in between.


Music Monday II

The Greatest Rapper of All Time - Age 17, Bedstuy, Brooklyn.

This video is pretty long, but you music nerds will appreciate this look at one of the most used breakbeat samples in history.

How big is your mp3 player? Did you know you can use Itunes no matter what type of player you have? I take my 4G ipod mini everywhere, even though I'm probably damaging my hearing. Smart Playlists really help keep the music fresh, especially with such small capacity. I keep most of my music stored on the computer, and the playlists rotate my favorite songs, recently added tracks, and songs I haven't heard in a while.

more radio - Pandora is an radio site with an in-browser player, it works by recommending other songs based on who you like - much like the amazon.com recommendations engine. I would give it 3/5 stars right now, but they are making improvements and it should get better. You can input multiple artists into one station as well - it is cool to see what kind of stuff they recommend if you mix Miles Davis + Talib Kweli + Postal Service.