
Staying In Is The New Going Out

Staying in your pajamas for 54 hours straight is a damn good feeling. I hardly even left the house all weekend, and I didn't miss a thing! The weather was crappy, the fridge was stocked, and I had some great company...

Look what happened to this 15 year old that left his house. Remember, guns don't kill people. Idiots with guns kill people.

Sure, I like to go out and hang out with my friends occasionally. Going out to the bar can be fun, but it is always expensive and usually you have to deal with a minimum of five morons. Per bar. Even though there are cool people out there I don't know, the signal to noise ratio of hip cats to utter fools is ridiculous at any bar or club. 90% of the crowd is there to get laid, maybe 10% is couples just wondering why they went out in the first place. Why not stay in? I'm more of a homebody anyways - I would much rather kick it, watch a movie and play Scrabble than "get wasted" at the bar.

Good rainy/snowy day time killers -

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