
stewie griffin, on 50 cent

I have been a Family Guy fan for a long time - the show is brilliant and I can't watch an episode without nearly dying from laughter. I missed this episode, where Stewie goes off on 50 Cent. Priceless (free video).

Here is a GREAT guitar solo - Stanley Jordan, playing Eleanor Rigby - wow. If you thinks it's slow, just wait about 40 seconds. I wish I could play like this...

Finally on this beautiful Sunday (67f today in Denver), I leave you with this.
I hope your French is better than mine to translate - or you can go to Babelfish. Unique ebay auctions, including my forehead. Here is the original listing. Yes, that's me and my big ass forehead, which I auctioned for adspace after a bad week in Las Vegas. I saw an article in the Denver Post about someone who made $34k auctioning a temporary tattoo on his head, and I'm way more handsome than that guy. Alas, no bidders - just $60 in listing fees. Damn you ebay!


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