
Music Monday II

The Greatest Rapper of All Time - Age 17, Bedstuy, Brooklyn.

This video is pretty long, but you music nerds will appreciate this look at one of the most used breakbeat samples in history.

How big is your mp3 player? Did you know you can use Itunes no matter what type of player you have? I take my 4G ipod mini everywhere, even though I'm probably damaging my hearing. Smart Playlists really help keep the music fresh, especially with such small capacity. I keep most of my music stored on the computer, and the playlists rotate my favorite songs, recently added tracks, and songs I haven't heard in a while.

more radio - Pandora is an radio site with an in-browser player, it works by recommending other songs based on who you like - much like the amazon.com recommendations engine. I would give it 3/5 stars right now, but they are making improvements and it should get better. You can input multiple artists into one station as well - it is cool to see what kind of stuff they recommend if you mix Miles Davis + Talib Kweli + Postal Service.


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