

Just wanted to drop a quick post now that my NCAA bracket is thoroughly destroyed.

Why am I not out celebrating my Irish heritage this cold Denver evening? Well I had a few pints of Guinness at the Uptown Tavern after work today, came home and fell promptly asleep. Now I'm rocking my flannel pajama pants, I just finished watching the basketball games and I'm too damn comfortable to go out and "celebrate". St. Patty's Day is just a drunken orgy of amateur drinkers anyways, my usually beautiful pubs overcrowded with those people who only drink on special occasions, spilling their beers and throwing up in the sink in the ladies room. Amateurs. As I write this I have to turn my music up to drown the screams of the partygoers outside my window. Yeah, I know you like the green beer guys. Do you need to yell like someone is stabbing you in the eye to get the point across?


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